• Zoom in at the little ones

    Thursday, May 13 at 19:00 (UTC +2) we meet again This is the second meeting and we build much of the content on your questions. You can send in pictures and questions ahead, or do it live at the Zoom meeting. Your questions are answered…

  • Japanese maple time

    It is late spring. At least the heat isn’t on time. Finally, the Japanese maples open for a look at their beautiful leaves. Despite warmer weather is here for now, (not really warm, but compared to the recent days it feels so) I will still…

  • Bonsai forest caught on video

    April is a month of unpredictable weather. We never know how it goes. The only thing that is certain is that the temperatures go up and down, and I have to take care of the sudden night freezing that might occur as late as May…

  • The beauty of Scots pines

    The beauty of Scots pines has grown on me. I usually say I do not have preferences about which species I prefer for bonsai. But I have to admit that the Scots pine, Pinus sylvestris, is trying to be on top of that non-existing list…

  • Hot, hot, hot bonsai

    It heats up around here. Watering three times a day at the moment. Hot weather demands extra care for the bonsai, and moving them around to avoid leaf burns is what I do these days. A few leaves edge dried on one Japanese maple, but…

  • Buy a book – this one

    Don’t know what to do during quarantine? Read a book. It might as well be this one 🙂 “Shohin – Through the seasons” is written with the aim of guiding bonsai enthusiasts through the seasonal changes and applying the right techniques at the right time. The…

  • Shohin bonsai preparations and Vlog 17

    Slowly the autumn moves forward. Temperatures drops and it is time to stop feeding the trees. I remove all used organic fertilizers at this time to let the trees slowly slow down and get ready for dormancy. Deciduous trees will slowly turn their leaves into…