Private bonsai visits
One of my favourite things to do, is paying private bonsai visits at friends. Without needing to do anything else than relax and do some bonsai talk among other things. Yesterday I had two hours spare time in between actions, and called Martin Nielsen who…
Bonsai demo in India
The bonsai demo in India at the Bonsai Namaste event, was conducted by 17 international bonsai artists. Every day throughout the four days three artists and assistants were on stage. The material was mainly tropical and Junipers. For some of us artists a bit difficult,…
Summer shohin display
Summer isn’t normally the most preferred time of the year to show or display bonsai, according to the traditional Japanese customs. Probably because summer time is the hot season in Japan, and the growing season for bonsai therefore being out of shape and unfit for…
Tokonoma display and workshop
At my studio we had a nice little workshop before the holiday starts. Ulf and Michael brought along some material to work at, and we had a very good concentrated workshop, almost forgetting talking in long periods. That´s how you recognise concentrated dedicated people, just…
The shohin pot from Bálint Tirpák Mafia
A very kind gesture has been made from Hungarian shohin `Mafia´ member Bálint Tirpák. So he made his own pot for me, and it arrived today as gesture of gratitude for inspiration through this blog and websites throughout the years. Nicely wrapped in a box…
Growing better shohin roots and trunk
The technique shown in the pictures here and below, is usable for younger trees started as seedlings or cuttings. To develop a good nebari (surface roots) and trunk thickening at deciduous trees like Japanese maples or as shown here, European Beech (Facus sylvatica), a simple…
Times changes
Times changes refers to the time of year changing, from warmer – colder back to warmer weather again. Confused? So am I 🙂 But typical April behaviour around here. The spring started very mild and a lovely period of warm weather have been present for…
Mame and Shohin at the Swindon Image Winter Show
Mark Cooper has once again kindly supported the blog with photos from another fine event. The Swindon & District Winter Image Show in the UK, presented a range of high quality mame and shohin bonsai this year. Probably the best is told. A gallery of the images to…