Bonsai created from seed, cuttings or larger trees pruned back
Back from Sweden and back to normal. And then not. This time we will explore bonsai creations a bit more theoretical than usual. Digging into the different ways of creating a bonsai from scratch. How to grow bonsai from seed, cuttings or cutting back larger…
Double live next Thursday
Due to an unexpected fallout of tonight’s livestream letting me teach for a full hour out in open space, without anybody watching, I will make a two-hour or more masterclass next Thursday. I am sorry to have wasted your time, and teaching for nobody because…
Carina Jern bonsai pots unboxed
There are many talented bonsai ceramists in Europe, and one of them is doing her magic up north in Sweden. I received a box of new pots I carefully chose from the website this week. It is always exciting to see them in real life.…
Live bonsai Q&A Thursday
Autumn colours are waiting for us. Due to the unusually warm autumnal conditions, only a few trees are expected to show colourful leaves this season. A topic up at the Live Q&A and winter storage tips. Be sure to add your questions to live or…
Have fun and create Mame bonsai from herbs.
In future, all updates will be from the blog about live events and stories from Kisetsu-en. The price of sending newsletters with e-mails suddenly was pushed to insane amounts, so as a small business we have to find other ways. Hope for your understanding. Live…
20 year anniversary gratulations from Esprit Bonsai
Bonsai Esprit / LR Presse send this video for which I am grateful. Michéle Corbihan also is the editor and publisher of the Shohin Bonsai Books I write.
Shohin bonsai Cherry Plum feast
Eat the tree! Every time the Cherry Plum has fruits it’s a special delicacy to pluck and eat. A maximum of five guests, and one cherry each. Eaten with respect! Started this as a simple nursery material in 1998 and developed it patiently all these…
Roland visit in the garden starts the summer holidays
Well-known Shohin bonsai creator Roland Schatzer from Italy visited the Kisetsu-en garden—a perfect start on the holidays here. Holidays just add more time to write on the next Shohin bonsai book, so hours will be used in the studio and behind the laptop. Passion for…
Rosa Eijitsu and Juniper deadwood
Do you know what a Rose and a Juniper bonsai have in common? Why it makes sense to talk about two so different species at the same time? Why you should grow so different trees in your bonsai garden? One of the reasons I favour…
Noren curtain and Japanese maples
The traditional Japanese Noren curtain is now hanging at the entrance to the bonsai workshop in the garden. The classic Japanese Noren curtain The classic Noren curtain has been used in Japan to keep curious eyes from looking in, but more important to keep the…