Reply To: Urgent advice needed

Kisetsu-en Shohin Bonsai Europe FORUM Bonsai Urgent advice needed Reply To: Urgent advice needed

David Reynolds

That’s great thanks, I’ll pick some up. Going to work on the cold frame this weekend. I imagine I’ll get a greenhouse in a few years perhaps.


My property is about a quarter mile back from the actual North sea and so the salt does not seem to make this far back. Luckily we have lots of alcoves to give wind shelter but I have to constantly keep an eye on the forecast for wind speed.

I only began bonsai 2 years ago, most trees are collected  from the mature garden in the old house we bought. Hawthorne, Scots, junipers, japanese maple, birch and beech, one little spruce and an



I love it but gosh is it teaching me patience 😊


Where have you sourced your material?