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This is your page with account info. Use the buttons above and below to navigate.
You can review last orders, make a new password, or change your address if needed.
Go to the Bonsai On Video page
Be sure you are logged in, so you can watch all content.
On the BONSAI ON VIDEO page, there is a full overview of all content recorded, video library, upcoming streaming and Q&A.
Keep your payment options updated
Be sure to keep your credit card payment information updated, so you can enjoy the content without interruptions.
When signing up for a membership you agree on the terms, that the membership will be renewed automatically and pre-paid for the selected period of your choice.
Cancelling your membership
If you want to cancel your subscription it is important you do that at your account. Sending e-mails, text messages, or otherwise is not valid as cancelling membership and stop payments. We can not be sure to check or see all messages in due time to guarantee this.
Therefore use the button below to go to the cancellation option uis the only valid option.
Payments already proceeded are not paid back, because we follow common law with online streaming material already being accessible as soon as the pre-paid membership period is activated. Exactly like Netflix or other streaming services.
If you need any help, don´t hesitate to contact us. We try to answer as soon as possible but expect a few business days in some cases because of travelling or busy times at the nursery.
Before you leave we will like to ask you why, so we can improve. It take less than a minute to fill in this quick Q&A.
Click the button GO TO CANCEL.
Go to VIEW and select CANCEL.
If you want a different membership period and price please sign up again and select the membership plan that suits your bonsai activities.

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