Reply To: Stephandrea

Kisetsu-en Shohin Bonsai Europe FORUM Bonsai Stephandrea Reply To: Stephandrea


Now in englisch, might be easier for you ๐Ÿ˜‰


Hello everybody,

I found a bargain this week and I struck it straight away. The photo is deceptive, the bonsai is relatively large, the pot diameter is 28cm, the trunk diameter is about 13cm. So how I think bigger than thought about the photos.

This is a stephandrea, the tree is of course in the wrong substrate, I think Akadama will be next spring, or could I still do it now? This May is also pretty cold, I would like to clean up downstairs as well.

Picture Uncleaned

Today I removed some of the trunk that was overgrown, dead, dirty and also removed some of the very thin branches that came directly from the trunk, where thicker branches are already there.

Picture Cleaned front

But now I’m a bit at a loss, on the one hand the tree is divided into two parts, you can see that here quite well, in the middle there is a gap, but on the right what I have marked is dead wood, you can tell because it is quite wobbly in the earth , on the left it sits much more firmly in the substrate.

I was torn as to whether I should remove this part because I can probably no longer keep it permanently as deadwood, and it will fall apart in a couple of years anyway, it also seems to me that the wood is quite soft.

The alternative would be to remove this part completely, then I would have a โ€œhalfโ€ tree, which could look dramatic, but then I would really have to go back to healthy wood and then preserve it with Jin agent.

Picture Dead part

And here the back, I don’t really know that either, I removed some of the visible cut-off stumps, but I’m still with dead material, I can’t conserve here either.

Picture Cleaned back

In addition, I am also very undecided about the branch positions, there are only a few usable thicker branches, everything is very knotty, and the branches come out splintingly upwards.

The classic bonsai cannot become out of it, but how can I now build up the branches in order to achieve a harmonious overall picture?