Itoigawa Hints and Tips

Kisetsu-en Shohin Bonsai Europe FORUM Q&A Itoigawa Hints and Tips

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  • #68594


    Any hints or tips on how to clean up and present my shohin Itoigawa for a lowly local show?

    Any help on cleaning out and shaping and moss preparation would be greatly appreciated



    Geoff Hobson

    It is quite difficult to tell what branches are in there. But it does need thinning quite a lot and wired. I assume that is your front, I wonder what the other side is like?  The apex is also dense and needs thinning and wiring and I would bring it to the left. Why don’t you send pics to Morten and come into the Q and A next Thursday when more members could make suggestions? I will be on as well as others. It is a nice tree, as for moss I look for moss and  put a thin layer on the surface.


    Cleaning up the underside of the foliage pads and cutting out extensive growth will help form the foliage pads and define the tree better. There is a tutorial about that on this page. Scroll down to the video about creating foliage pads. Fanning out some of the branches might also be a good idea, but difficult to advice in detail from a photo.

    Video – Basics


    Cleaning up the underside of the foliage pads and cutting out extensive growth will help form the foliage pads and define the tree better. There is a tutorial about that on this page. Scroll down to the video about creating foliage pads. Fanning out some of the branches might also be a good idea, but difficult to advice in detail from a photo.

    Video – Basics

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by albek.
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