Making or buying Kato Muck

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  • #57437
    Jon Aristone

    Hope your gardens are doing well where ever you are . This is a note to all members who can possibly help me on this subject. I am creating some new slab group plantings in my spring April. I cannot seem to find a supplier of premade Kato Muck that will ship to Canada. That leaves me with a second option which is to make my own, which I would rather not do. If you have ordered Muck or made your own can you please assist me with this request. Thanks in advance…Jon

    Geoff Hobson


    In England I can buy with no problem. Making it is a bit different, the basis is just mud so clay nut clay from garden rather than the stuff you can buy for pots, although you possibly could use some. I always add the dust from Akadama and chopped sphagnum moss to it for binding. See you Thursday


    Jon Aristone

    Thanks Geoff, I notic3ed you investigated this in 2013 on line. Can you share your source and I will give them a shot. Thanks…see ya Thursday.

    Geoff Hobson


    in UK Kaizen Bonsai sell Keto, also in Poland Ibuki Bonsai sell it and there are others. One problem would be the weight, it is heavy.

    Geoff Hobson

    Jon, try tis peat sphagnum moss and fines from Akadama (dust) , not sure how much of each but this is one way I have seen. It is what Bjorn uses.

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