Problems Lonicera

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  • #53791
    Marco Fux


    what do you think happens to my Lonicera?  It happens in one week; the tree is in the pot for one year with akadama, pumice and a little topsoil

    Thanks a lotIMG20211004120352IMG20211004120358IMG20211004120411

    Geoff Hobson

    Possibly got dry at some point. If you remove the dead  bits it should be fine

    Marco Fux

    <span style=”vertical-align: inherit;”><span class=”” style=”vertical-align: inherit;”>Thanks, but i should like to know why,  anybody knows it?</span></span>

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Marco Fux.
    Geoff Hobson

    As I said I think it may have got dry and the plant would lose a branch or two. If you just the dead bits off it will be fine. It happens so nothing to worry about. Lonicera grows quickly so it will come back. I have one that I re potted and hard root pruned in August this year, it has doubled the growth since.

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