re potting started

Kisetsu-en Shohin Bonsai Europe FORUM Bonsai re potting started

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  • #48014
    Geoff Hobson

    I managed to start my re potting this weekend, I have quite a lot to get done this year. Today looking at my trees they are starting to wake up fast in just a few days I have noticed a difference. My Prunus mume has finally flowered, if slowly. As Morten said “spring is here”


    That’s such a good time. Higher temperatures and everything starts growing 🙂


    Matthew de Moraes

    First year with a sizeable number of shohin, and I thought 30 re-pots was going to be easy. So I planned to do them over the course of 2 days. The most back ache I’ve ever had after two days. Tiny trees are hard work! Hope everyone else’s repotting is going well 🙂

    Geoff Hobson

    I have just about finished now. It took me about four weeks a few at a time.

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