Scots Pine before and after restyling

Kisetsu-en Shohin Bonsai Europe FORUM Bonsai Scots Pine before and after restyling

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  • #69266
    Geoff Hobson

    I decided that this Scots Pine needed drastic work, so I bit the bullet and did it.IMGP4032aIMGP4026a

    Geoff Hobson

    pictures wrong way round


    Brave decision Geoff. Sometimes we just have to go the extra mile to get something different when we are stuck with an image that isn’t appealing to us. Also to separate the tree from the crowd a different perspective is important. I look forward to seeing the development of this one. It has a nice natural appeal and I can see the future in this. (Y)

    Geoff Hobson

    Thanks, I have not finished it yet, with some of the jins to finish but I did not take all that the guy who suggested the re style off, he wanted me to remove all except the branch on the right. I thought that was too much so I kept the other branches, also changed the front.

    Geoff Hobson

    Thanks, I have not finished it yet, with some of the jins to finish but I did not take all that the guy who suggested the re style off, he wanted me to remove all except the branch on the right. I thought that was too much so I kept the other branches, also changed the front.

    Geoff Hobson

    After more work today it looks much betterIMGP4040a

    Valerie Gastaldy

    Oh dear! This is scary!!!! Curious to see how it grows next year! I t will be very instructive


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