sudden change in weather

Kisetsu-en Shohin Bonsai Europe FORUM Bonsai sudden change in weather

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  • #60437
    Geoff Hobson

    After a warm few days bringing the trees on it is now cold with night frost. I have moved some into the shed and cover some with fleece last night and will tonight as well. It is windy too which does not help.


    Same here. Changed from 15 C and sunshine to -1 C. at night and snow. Only for two days but still, spring is unpredictable and annoying. Small trees and newly repotted are in for a few days. Take good care in spring. It’s a game-changer for the health of the trees when unstable.

    Geoff Hobson

    It was -2C last night and the forecast is colder tonight. The Larch can be very sensitive, so I am keeping my fingers crossed. I can’t cover all of them. Most Maples are still tight buds but the Trident is almost full leaf so it is in the shed along with the Crab apple and some smaller trees.

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