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  • #62099
    Geoff Hobson

    We have had another week of very high temperatures, no rain and the threat of hosepipe ban. I am still having to water twice a day. We have had temps in excess of 30C for the last week, and some of my trees are showing signs of stress a Dawn Redwood in particular even though it is some shade. How is everyone coping?


    Jon Aristone

    Hi Geoff do you not have a rain barrel to keep reserves. We did hear you are suffering from a lack of rain, which is unusual for you folks. Who needs the stress of such occurances. Hope things change soon for you.

    Geoff Hobson

    Yes, I have a water butt, but it only lasts for about two days, so I am back to the hose. There is the possibility of rain today or tomorrow, but the ground is very dry and it will need weeks of rain to recover.


    Jon Aristone

    Ah Yes I am in a similar boat. My barrel doesn’t last long either and so I tend to use it for my Mame trees and the hose for the balance. The Uk is certainly not acting as it should with rains. Good luck, we just got rain today, nothing like the real thing is there.

    Geoff Hobson

    It has been raining, but it varies with where it comes. Some is very heavy and causing flooding, but we have not had much here. I did not have to rain yesterday, but I will have to today. I did re pot one of my Scots Pines today, and I will do another one tomorrow.

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