White Beech re potted into new pot

Kisetsu-en Shohin Bonsai Europe FORUM Bonsai White Beech re potted into new pot

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    Geoff Hobson

    I bought a new pot for one of my White Beech and put the other one into the pot it came out of.IMG_8146IMG_8138


    They really look good Geoff. (Y) I really like the dramatic curves in the second one. A very good image of an old tree.

    Geoff Hobson

    Morten, yes the tree was imported some years ago. I bought it in 2018 cost an arm and a leg. It is about 68 years old I believe. The pot it was in is a Yamafusa from Tokoname. The new pot is a good quality Chinese one.

    Oliver Wohlfarth

    Looks awesome! I would be nervous with a tree in this price range in my garden. 😱 Thank you for showing this one.

    Jon Aristone

    Very inspiring trees, especially the lower one.


    Geoff Hobson

    Thanks, the lower tree has been in a couple of shows, it is one of my favourite trees,

    Jon Aristone

    Beautiful Beech Geoff, I just purchased a Blue Beech and very excited to see the leaf colour. It will be part of a planned Mixed deciduous forest inspired by Saburo Kato’s mixed forest style creation on pg. 19 of his book

    Geoff Hobson

    Thanks, Jon, I might try a mixed forest too. Not this year now, but I can get the trees together ready. It will be interesting to see your Blue Beech.


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