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  • in reply to: Re potting Quince #45563

    Enjoy your weekend ๐Ÿ™‚

    in reply to: Re potting Quince #45524

    It does. Quince in general prefers autumn repotting. Because they have a late strong root growth before winter.


    in reply to: Saika #45281

    Thanks Geoff. Much appreciated.

    If you search bonsai + Saika results comes up ๐Ÿ™‚

    Like this:

    • Morten
    in reply to: First try die shohin….. #45033

    Nice first works on small tres. Keep it up. The last peace also seems promising.


    in reply to: First try die shohin….. #45003

    Thanks for sharing. As much light as possible. But because it is a Shohin some protecting from the sun is needed. Avoid the harsh midday sun and the afternoon and evening sun too during the summer months. The evening sun will heat up the tree and roots too much because it is already heated up during the day.
    Here it will be very hot during the next week, so I will have to rearrange some trees to protect them.
    Good luck with your new Shohin ??


    in reply to: Potentilla #44851

    It is also used to grow very small mame-bonsai in Japan this way. I have seen them at nurseries standing on a plastic grass mat with water at the bottom, growing their roots through the bottom of the pots to reach the water underneath. Growing more healthy this way. Also double potting is an option.

    Giving you good growthย  ๐Ÿ™‚


    in reply to: Decqndling timing for JBP #44415

    Decandling two-flush pines is a special technique. If you do a full decandling in late spring/early summer removing all the new growth/first flush, you can not do it again.

    Then you should leave the second flush of growth untouched.

    If you have only shortened the candles you can do that again with the strongest parts of the second flush developing during summer.



    in reply to: Elm video #44400

    Hi Geoff

    Good and relevant question. Many deciduous trees are included.

    Silver Birch I will exclude from the list because it isn’t positive responding on defoliation. It looses to much sap flow and needs to grow relatively undisturbed during summer, keeping high transpiration and water flow, with just minor small new branches pruned.

    The list can probably be extended with other trees, but here are a few that positively will be included:

    • Japanese maples
    • Elm (including cork bark variety, Chinese Elm i.e.)
    • Hornbeam (also Korean Hornbeam)
    • Crataegus
    • Beech
    • Cherry
    • Prunus (except Prunus mume where branches are brittle during most of the growth period)
    • Malus, Crabapple i.e.
Viewing 8 posts - 91 through 98 (of 98 total)