Shohin books – Shohin Presentation by Ursula Funke

This time the Almost Friday is in writing, about writing. Almost Friday is extra content we publish in between the monthly release of tutorials.

This article is written in October 2021, and I can’t guarantee the books mentioned will be available at a later time.

Sometime back now I received the book from Ursula Funke. Text in two languages. Her native German and English. I will get back to that.

Books are great to have. Videos we see from one end to another. Can be repeated of course. Books can have favourite chapters we always go back to, to recap or for pure enjoyment.

As Shohin bonsai still seem to grow in popularity it is stunning how limited book publishing there is on this subject. So many people enjoy Shohin bonsai as either the main collection or as part of their bonsai experience. As I do. And only a few books are available in English.

I published two books. First one back in 1998, named Shohin bonsai, Majesty in miniature (sold out and not available). The newest is Shohin Through the Seasons and you can get it here:

Available in English, German and French language.

Ronald Shatzer did a book, Shohin Bonsai Passion. That is mainly an overview and development example over his amazing record of developing many small bonsai from simple material. An interesting journey on developing Shohin bonsai. A section about display is also included. The book is currently available at

Shohin presentation

The book Shohin presentation by Ursula Funke is probably the first book worldwide dedicated to the art of displaying Shohin bonsai as its main purpose. The book is very methodically build up and present many examples of displaying and what the author finds right and wrong.

Pots, display tables, scrolls and more is presented to give a full overview of the way of displaying the traditional Japanese way. Also, a few examples of alternative displays are presented. My display using burned wood is seen as an example of that.

Overall the book gives the reader a well informed and detailed overview of the traditional Shohin bonsai display. Added Japanese expressions and the formalised approach to the display.

Describing how to use different pot shapes and colours, three species variations and proportions.

If you want to have a good source of knowledge covering all the basics of the Shohin presentation this book gives you a very well-edited overview. Filled with pictures and examples. Lists of potters and their style, species good to use for Shohin bonsai, and preparation for a display among other things. Growing Shohin bonsai is not the mission of this book, as it is solely focused on display.

A book recommended for your book collection about Shohin bonsai. A special book covering a need for more detailed information about displaying Shohin bonsai.

There are not that many books on the market dedicated to Shohin bonsai, so get a hold of what you can.

300 pages. The price of the book: EUR 47.00 plus shipping.

To order your copy, contact Ursula Funke by e-mail.