If you experience any problems with your order, please contact us at e-mail kisetsuen@shohin-europe and we will do our best to help you.
A few notes: Be sure that your username is in one word without any special signs. Use a simple username like mortenalbek.
Also, be sure to mark the box accepting the terms and conditions.
Your personal data will be used to process your order, support your experience throughout this website, and for other purposes described in our privacy policy. No informations are sold or given away to third party companies. We only use the required informations to process your order and keep you updated :-)
Were are happy to have you as a member and customer. We hope you will enjoy the content and thank you for supporting us so we can keep educating and inspiring online.
Log in to your account and start the bonsai journey when you have signed up.
In your receipts and billing information, you will find the information connected to the company as Morten Albek Photography and/or Kisetsu-en.
When you sign up for a membership and subscription you agree to the terms
Subscriptions are automatically renewed at the end of the period. Payments are prepaid and can not be refunded under any circumstances. Online streaming services give instant access and are therefore used at the time payment has been processed. (Comparable to Netflix and other online streaming services).
Your billing and membership subscription is automatically run by Woocommerce.
Live streaming and changes
The Live streaming service will in certain situations be cancelled for a specific week, caused of unforeseen technical issues, health issues, travelling and holidays. In some cases, the live will be replaced by another kind of content.
You can unsubscribe at any time by login into your account, and choosing to unsubscribe. Follow the instructions. Your subscription will continue to be active until the end of the prepaid period. We are responsible to continue the service from our end until the end of the payment.
Important: You have to unsubscribe from your account/login. We can not handle e-mails or other ways of asking for unsubscribing. This also is your security for handling your account correctly.
Cookies are used to save your data so you can easier login and use the website. We are not giving any pieces of information away to third-party companies or others.
Payment is handled by Stripe for customers signing up for an account choosing this gateway. PayPal is a gateway for customers selecting an account using Paypal as their payment gateway or handling their payment with a credit card.
Price changes. Any updates on pricing will be announced at least two months before any changes and charging are done, and you will receive one or more messages about any changes, two months before they take place. January 2023 we align the prices for customers that previously had a very low price, so all prices are equal to the present price fitting with the chosen subscription period. As announced in the previous newsletters in 2022.
In cooperation with the World Bonsai University, selected tutorials are published on the WBU partner platform. You don’t need to buy courses at the WBU as long as you are a PRO member of Kisetsu-en, because all content is accessible here.
Due to EU regulations, we want to inform you about how we handle the personal data collected. You can read about it here
Data protection rules