• Episode 5 – Bonsai Christmas book calendar

    Today’s calendar brings us a new book from the bookshelf. Today we look at the exhibition book “Ichijuten” – an exhibition book received as a gift from Masahiko Kimura with traditional Japanese bonsai. Kisetsu-en Bonsai Online Monthly a large theme about the seasons is published. Produced…

  • The bonsai Christmas calendar December 3

    Bringing a story from the days of the famous Saburo Kato. Japanese Saburo Kato was famous for his forest and rock bonsai creations. Today we look at the book “Forest, Rock Planting & Ezo Spruce Bonsai”. Kisetsu-en Bonsai Online Monthly a large theme about the…

  • Middle sized bonsai, and Tanuki cheat

    Middle-sized bonsai are not in fashion. Have they ever been? I don’t know, but I really think these sizes are overlooked at bonsai shows. That’s one part of this bonsai blog post’s purpose to discuss. Another subject is a technique I feel is deeply misunderstood.…