Almost Friday before the end of 2021
Just before Christmas and taking some days off before we start launching our content weekly from January 1st. here is the last “Almost Friday” in 2021 that takes you on a tour. Morten Albek takes you out in the Danish winter landscape, looking at trees,…
Autumn works it´s natural way
Autumn is one of my favourite times of the year. Despite rainy periods, there is a certain mood about it. Mornings with the smell of wet soil, mushrooms in between the garden trees and leafs turning their colours into traditional brown, red and yellowish warm…
Never sell your bonsai
You see these beautiful aged bonsai set for sale by private bonsai enthusiasts from time to time. For bonsai pros it is naturally a part of the business. But for private collectors I find it disturbing to see a personal tree set for sale.…