• Preparations for winter

    Preparations for the winter is still a theme here. Light hoarfrost these days, but the trees are still outside. Pictures at the bottom of the post. There are no signs of real winter around, so no worries about rushing bonsai in to the shelter as…

  • Winter preperations

    How to prepare the bonsai for the winter season. Is there anything to do at all? Yes, there is. First and foremost bonsai needs to be stored away from frosty winds and sun, that may dry them out when the roots are trapped in a…

  • Shohin-bonsai India

    Do they grow Shohin-bonsai in India? Oh, yes they do. I didn’t really knew what to expect as I travelled to India in November. I was there to teach bonsai but had no idea if Shohin-bonsai was part of the bonsai world in the warm…

  • The fifth of five bonsai

    The fifth of five bonsai is chosen without shaking on my hands. In this small fun series were I have chosen the five bonsai species among my favourites, the choice is Pine. it also i one of the most difficult trees to succeed as bonsai…

  • The leaves leave

      Frosts are hurrying up the leaves to fall. The beauty of late autumn shows, and with some early freezing nights also the leaf drop is forced to speed up. It is not necessary to pull the trees of their place on the outdoor garden…

  • 4 of top 5 bonsai

    May I present: The Juniper. Which is the fourth bonsai I have added to this fun personal top 5 list of favourite bonsai. I could easily have made a top ten list, but we keep it at five. Junipers are without doubt one of the…

  • Top 5 bonsai No. 3

    The next of my favourite bonsai on the top 5 bonsai list, still in random order, is the Yew. European Yew, alias Taxus baccata. To me one of the strongest and most beautiful trees that is a full quality replacement for the classic Japanese black…

  • Top 5 bonsai – Cotoneaster

    In some of the next posts i will show my personal top 5 hit list of bonsai subjects. It will be in random order, because I can’t choose one for another. The first choice is the Cotoneaster. Among its many advantages is the small leaves, flowers…

  • Autumn arrives a little late

    It has been an unusual hot start on this years autumn season. Finally the colder weather has found its way and nature do as nature must do. Leaves slowly changes their colours, and begins preparation for winter.