Finding the bonsai behind the leaves
Raw material can be a challenge. Finding the bonsai behind the leaves is not always easy, and early selections are a good idea. Setting the bones of the tree for the future. Tree gift Last year I was given a tree from a friend, who…
Developing and correcting a Shohin bonsai
Patience with bonsai is a well known subject. Developing a Shohin bonsai through 14 years pays off when the plan is right. I always lowed the rough bark at the Cork bark elm, Ulmus parvifolia Corticosa. It was mainly because of this feature I back…
Summer trimming new growth
June means a high level of new growth. Sometimes it is necessary to let trees grow more than normal before trimming, so the health of the tree is ensures. Watch the video where a Cork Bark Elm and an English Yew is trimmed. https://youtu.be/Aotd4579mhg