Back budding trick for Yew bonsai
Back budding tricks for Yew bonsai and best practice techniques to establish a healthy coniferous bonsai are explained in the main content of this week’s tutorial. You find the video here: https://shohin-europe.com/bonsai-video-studio-2/shohin-bonsai-library/ Precise back budding on Yew A specific method tested will be explained to…
A bonsai and a dog.
Bonsai in remembrance of Mikki. With a sad heart, we had to say goodbye to our almost 13-year-old dog, Miki. He was a lovely friend. Strong, kind and elegant. He left us the best possible way, just tired and giving up on life after a…
Preparing for the annual exhibition
One of the top priorities of the year, is preparing for the annual exhibition in Denmark. Preparing bonsai starts much earlier than the two weeks ahead before the exhibition opens. Cleaning pots and making small adjustments can be done right before the exhibition. Adjusting mosses…
Yew bonsai pinching season
Spring means growth. Lots of growth. Especially with this seasons warm weather blessing us with sun and heat. It is about being on time with pinching, so especially shohin do not outgrow themselves, unless you need strength and extending branch length. My old shohin bonsai European…
Summer trimming new growth
June means a high level of new growth. Sometimes it is necessary to let trees grow more than normal before trimming, so the health of the tree is ensures. Watch the video where a Cork Bark Elm and an English Yew is trimmed. https://youtu.be/Aotd4579mhg
Top 5 bonsai No. 3
The next of my favourite bonsai on the top 5 bonsai list, still in random order, is the Yew. European Yew, alias Taxus baccata. To me one of the strongest and most beautiful trees that is a full quality replacement for the classic Japanese black…