Blackmore Vale Bonsai Group auction 17th October

Kisetsu-en Shohin Bonsai Europe FORUM Exhibitions and workshops Blackmore Vale Bonsai Group auction 17th October

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  • #53841
    Geoff Hobson

    We had a workshop last night, and we are holding an auction on 17th. I have my eye on a very nice shohin sized Potentilla. We have lots of other trees as well as pots, so I think my pocket will be lighter by the end of the day,


    Geoff Hobson

    We had an excellent auction, well attended. I came back with more money than I went and two nice shohin Potentillas plus a shohin stand for a very good price. I will take pictures of the trees and post them later.


    Great Geoff. Always nice to find new items to grow 🙂

    Geoff Hobson

    Yes the two Potentillas I bought are nice, and I also bought a shohin display stand for a good price

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