Cotoneatser live recorded and Almost Friday published

Kisetsu-en Shohin Bonsai Europe FORUM Kisetsu-en Cotoneatser live recorded and Almost Friday published

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    You can watch tonight’s live recording here about Cotoneaster

    Also, Almost Friday is added with a new episode


    Geoff Hobson

    Love the almost Friday video! Also the Cotoneaster stream, I have never heard that Cotoneaster is regarded as invasive here, We can buy them in garden centres, I have one in the garden as well.


    I just found this information and as long as they stay in the garden it seem to be alright.

    !”Cotoneaster. Many of the species of cotoneaster available in garden centres are highly invasive – some so much so that it is now illegal to plant them in the countryside or to allow them to ‘escape’ from your garden! If you’d like to attract birds to your garden with berries, better alternatives include: Hawthorn.” › advice
    Invasive Shrubs to be Aware of in Your Garden – The RSPB

    Geoff Hobson

    Interesting, we don’t see many in the open countryside though. The one we have in the garden grows but is not spreading much.

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