Mortens books

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  • #46537
    Geoff Hobson

    I am loving Morten’s books videos. I have some of them but I would like more. The Penjin book is excellent, I have two other ones, now waiting for tomorrow.


    Thanks 👍 Books are wonderful to have. I really enjoy to take an old book out and review it in between. Especially at the dark ours of winter.

    Geoff Hobson

    I have some of your books, but some I would like to get my hands on are expensive. Still, I like seeing them even if I can’t have them,



    Thanks, Geoff

    Some of the books are only available in Japan, others are no longer printed or rare.

    Hope it inspires a bit any way 🙂

    Geoff Hobson

    Yes they are inspiring for me. When, (if) I get to Japan I will know what to look for. But I am enjoying hearing about them

    Peggy Howard

    Hi Ya’ll,

    I’m from New Orleans in US.  I’m retired and broke, but love reading good books.  Love hearing your suggestions.  I found at our library there is a swap program with libraries in the country.  Here it’s called “Interlibrary Loan.”  There is a part for in state, and another for out of state.  They have gotten tired of me because I have asked for many, any book I could find a title and author for, I requested.  Now they are asking for bar codes.  Any ideas?  I don’t know how to get them.  Thanks.



    Hi Peggy and others

    I will see if I can get around adding information about the books ( and barcodes where available). I will post that here when done. Expect next week. Kind of busy 🙂




    andrew beattie

    As a Photography hobbyist, i really liked Episode 14 : The World of Bonsai by Paul Lesniewicz.
    I have a book on indoor Bonsai by him but this book looked to have some stunning pictures. Will have to try and track a copy down.

    Geoff Hobson

    A lot of the books I have found in charity shops quite cheap, but if you search you will find it.

    Geoff Hobson

    The book I ordered from Japan arrived today. A Dialogue with bonsai, 10 days from Japan is quite good. It is a very good book, with some in English which is nice. I am pleased with it still working my way through it,


    Nice. 10 days is fine. Sometimes posts arrive

    9 days after it is send domestic here. Glad you find the book useful.

    Geoff Hobson

    I love the last two books, I found his web site and they are $110 plus $49 post for the two and in English. I am very tempted but I think I will wait for a while.


    andrew beattie

    Thanks, i have had a look and picked up a few books. they have a large selection.

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