On/ off bench for UK winter?

Kisetsu-en Shohin Bonsai Europe FORUM Bonsai On/ off bench for UK winter?

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    David Reynolds

    Hi, just wondering if those from the UK put their bonsai on the ground over winter? If so when do you put them back on the bench?


    I’ve been doing this for a few years but I wonder if it’s necessary. No doubt depends on size of the tree and harshness of any particular winter.


    Insights appreciated!

    Geoff Hobson

    I always put mine on the ground, out of the wind as well as warmer that up. I put my smaller trees and some others like Trident and Olive under open cover.

    It does depend also on where you are in Britain as there is a big difference south to north.

    David Reynolds

    Many thanks Geoff. I’ll keep it up in that case. I’mm up in Scotland; thinking of putting them back on the bench in the next week or two, getting milder here – lows are 5 degrees mostly.


    Geoff Hobson

    Ok, David, well I am going to start re potting soon, I am in the south, north Dorset it is mild at the moment but can still get cold. I am going to leave the ones under cover for a few more weeks yet. Problem is I am having to water more and they are packed in close together.

    David Reynolds

    Ah makes sense. Why is watering a problem when they are close together? Thanks.

    Geoff Hobson

    Reaching over to get the ones at the back!  I went around with the hose today did them all. We have no rain for at least three weeks, and it was up to 12C today and sunny.

    David Reynolds

    Gosh it’s getting nice down there. And so the work begins. We are always a few weeks behind up here.


    Thanks for the advice 🙏

    Geoff Hobson

    Yes, it has been a nice day, sunny afternoon, I am doing a re pot on Thursday at club workshop, so I will miss the live stream again,  but I can watch it Friday instead. Then the following Saturday, 25th I will do some more re potting at our workshop.

    Geoff Hobson

    But you must remember that it is only mid February and still winter! It can change in a day, we are a way off spring yet.

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