David Reynolds

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  • in reply to: On/ off bench for UK winter? #65230
    David Reynolds

    Gosh it’s getting nice down there. And so the work begins. We are always a few weeks behind up here.


    Thanks for the advice 🙏

    in reply to: On/ off bench for UK winter? #65221
    David Reynolds

    Ah makes sense. Why is watering a problem when they are close together? Thanks.

    in reply to: On/ off bench for UK winter? #65217
    David Reynolds

    Many thanks Geoff. I’ll keep it up in that case. I’mm up in Scotland; thinking of putting them back on the bench in the next week or two, getting milder here – lows are 5 degrees mostly.


    in reply to: Urgent advice needed #49061
    David Reynolds

    Thanks for all your help and sharing your insights Geoff.

    in reply to: Urgent advice needed #48943
    David Reynolds

    That’s great thanks, I’ll pick some up. Going to work on the cold frame this weekend. I imagine I’ll get a greenhouse in a few years perhaps.


    My property is about a quarter mile back from the actual North sea and so the salt does not seem to make this far back. Luckily we have lots of alcoves to give wind shelter but I have to constantly keep an eye on the forecast for wind speed.

    I only began bonsai 2 years ago, most trees are collected  from the mature garden in the old house we bought. Hawthorne, Scots, junipers, japanese maple, birch and beech, one little spruce and an



    I love it but gosh is it teaching me patience 😊


    Where have you sourced your material?

    in reply to: Urgent advice needed #48941
    David Reynolds

    Great advice Geoff, I will do some research as I’m not quite sure what you mean by ‘fleece’ or were to obtain it – sounds like a handy option.


    I live in Leven – so literally on the coast. We have a decent sized garden that I want to use part of for my bonsai passion!


    How big is your collection?


    in reply to: Urgent advice needed #48938
    David Reynolds

    Hi Geoff,

    I live in Fife – on the Est coast of Scotland. Can get pretty windy here! Its great to communicate with an enthusiast from the same land mass 🙂

    A follow up question for you and Morten;

    With the suggestion of a blanket/ fleece – do you drape this directly over the foliage of your trees or do you somehow suspend it? Would a plastic bag be an option – I’ve heard of this being used to also promote budding (AKA the black bag method)?

    We have an old bird Avery that is built onto the outside wall of our garage. I am thinking of converting this into a cold frame of sorts. Is the main purpose of a frame for frost protection? I doubt that it will prevent some freezing when below -3 temps.

    I really appreciate the insights.



    in reply to: Urgent advice needed #48920
    David Reynolds

    Guys, thanks for this excellent advice. You helped out of a pickle 🤔

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)