From trash to Shohin Bonsai
At travel to Japan back in 2005, I stumbled upon a small Japanese pre-bonsai maple. It was placed awkwardly on an almost hidden table like it was dumped. And it was. The owner of the bonsai nursery in Takamatsu has dismissed it as potential future…
Shimpaku upside down
For a number of years I have been growing a small Juniperus Shimpaku, and followed the original position until now. The tree was purchased as a semi-finished piece at the Mansei-en nursery in Omiya, Japan, of late Saburo Kato in 2005, and mainly bought as…
Never sell your bonsai
You see these beautiful aged bonsai set for sale by private bonsai enthusiasts from time to time. For bonsai pros it is naturally a part of the business. But for private collectors I find it disturbing to see a personal tree set for sale.…
The story of the Shimpaku Juniper
It´s Secret History (English Translation © WBFF 2003; Original Japanese Text and Photos © Kindai Shuppan Co. 2003). Brought at Shohin-Bonsai Europe with permission. Header photo from Mansei-en, by Morten Albek. Behind the story. The original story was lost on the internet, but due to steady…
The story of the Shimpaku juniper
It´s Secret History (English Translation © WBFF 2003; Original Japanese Text and Photos © Kindai Shuppan Co. 2003). Brought at Shohin-Bonsai Europe with permission. It is astonishing to realize that the Shimpaku juniper so beloved for bonsai culture was first found only a little more than…