• Mame-bonsai

    Mame-bonsai is growing in popularity like shohin at this time. The prize of the larger trees are going lower and lower, because shohin is growing so much still. A few places are keen to develop mame-bonsai (Mame Bonsai or bean-size bonsai is less than 10…

  • Levels of shohin growing

    The way shohin-bonsai is grown in Japan may differ some from the western way. There are two ways of starting material in Japan. Some amateurs like to grow cuttings and make material from seeds. This lower level material is then after some development sold to…

  • Bonsai in Japan 2011

    Recently I went home after a two weeks travel to Japan. Humidity and temperatures went to the sky, but the experiences did too. Seeing Japanese bonsai in the flesh is an experience to learn from when possible. Probably it will be a while before going…