• Private Japanese bonsai collections

    Private Japanese bonsai collections may not look like how you expect them to look like. Always we watch photos showing great bonsai at Japanese exhibitions, and from professional nurseries. I think many enthusiasts have a belief that all bonsai in Japan are that great. They…

  • Never sell your bonsai

      You see these beautiful aged bonsai set for sale by private bonsai enthusiasts from time to time. For bonsai pros it is naturally a part of the business. But for private collectors I find it disturbing to see a personal tree set for sale.…

  • The story of the Shimpaku juniper

    It´s Secret History (English Translation © WBFF 2003; Original Japanese Text and Photos © Kindai Shuppan Co. 2003). Brought at Shohin-Bonsai Europe with permission. It is astonishing to realize that the Shimpaku juniper so beloved for bonsai culture was first found only a little more than…

  • The fifth of five bonsai

    The fifth of five bonsai is chosen without shaking on my hands. In this small fun series were I have chosen the five bonsai species among my favourites, the choice is Pine. it also i one of the most difficult trees to succeed as bonsai…

  • Times changes

    Times changes refers to the time of year changing, from warmer – colder back to warmer weather again. Confused? So am I 🙂 But typical April behaviour around here. The spring started very mild and a lovely period of warm weather have been present for…

  • No 411/1755

    Behind this not so exiting headline hides a wonderful book, The Collectors Island No 1. The book is printed “Fondazione Cologni Dei Mestieri DÁrte”, an Italian foundation of arts started by a watchmaker. The book is one of a kind (and the first edition) collecting…

  • Kinbon Magazine interview

    In the October issue of the Japanese bonsai magazine, Kinbon Magazine, a large article featured Shohin-bonsai expert Tomohiro Masumi  at his tour in Denmark and Russia earlier this summer. Interviews with Morten Albek was a part of the  four pages article covering the Danish Bonsai…

  • Bonsai Focus with Tomohiro Masumi

    In the November/December 2011 issue  of the international  Bonsai Focus magazine, articles with Japanese Shohin-bonsai expert Tomohiro Masumi will be published.I have produced the articles at my latest trip to Japan, and hope you will like the result. Tomohiro Masumi at the Koju-en nursery in…

  • Japan growth versus northern Europe

    Climate has a big influence on the growth. The warmer Japanese climate, high air humidity and long growing seasons make the Japanese bonsai grow with great speed and far quicker than us using the northern hemisphere as base. The shorter growing season here do develop…