• Shohin bonsai Cherry Plum feast

    Eat the tree! Every time the Cherry Plum has fruits it’s a special delicacy to pluck and eat. A maximum of five guests, and one cherry each. Eaten with respect! Started this as a simple nursery material in 1998 and developed it patiently all these…

  • Spring shohin bonsai and wiring

    Spring is sneaking in upon us here. There have been some frosty nights but it will soon loosen up and higher temperatures will push new growth. Just before that, it is timely to wire any leftover wiring jobs we didn’t manage in autumn. When the…

  • Enjoy bonsai and take care of each other

    In these serious times, we have to take care of each other. Staying safe and sound. This means we have to reduce public activities and being together at a distance. To avoid the rapid spreading of the Coronavirus. We can still enjoy and share the…