Spring shohin bonsai and wiring

Spring is sneaking in upon us here. There have been some frosty nights but it will soon loosen up and higher temperatures will push new growth.

Just before that, it is timely to wire any leftover wiring jobs we didn’t manage in autumn. When the sap flow slowly starts branches are more flexible and not brittle as during the dormant winter period. Just be sure to keep a close eye on any deciduous trees in spring, because branches may swell very fast and wire then bites ín if not removed in time.

Shohin bonsai. Prunus avium, Wild cherry tree. Pot by Elsebeth Ludvigsen.

This older Prunus avium, wild cherry, is just getting a few adjustments before spring flowering. Because it is strong and mature it easily copes with this despite flowering starting soon.

When only doing minor work it´s safe to do a few adjustments and repot the tree. Something I normally advise strongly not to do. But when it is a strong tree, with a healthy well developed root system only needing a minor outer root pruning, it is safe to do if you are experienced and know your bonsai and growth history.

Else, split the work into two seasons. One for repotting, and next year it will be safe to work on the tree again when recovered.

Bonsai Art

The Prunus avium by the way is featured in the newest Bonsai Art magazine from Germany. Together with an article about the 20-year anniversary celebration of Shohin Bonsai Europe and Kisetsu-en.

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