Annual bonsai event in Denmark

The annual bonsai event at the Danish Bonsai Society took place with Samba rhythms outside. More quit inside among bonsai in a rustique environment, at the cultural center Nordkraft in Aalborg. A great event with a lot of enthusiasm.

Yannick Kiggen

Yannick Kiggen from Belgium, giving lectures and a workshop with a lot of valuable information for the participants. Great value for everybody. A big thank you to Yannick for friendly and supporting spirit.

The exhibition improves every year, and showed a lot of new great bonsai.

Morten Albek confirmed as new Chairman

I was elected as the new Chairman of the Danish Bonsai Society, and I will do my very best to bring us forward. There are a lot of things to do, and I believe we, the board and I, can improve and serve our dedicated members improving the association. I hope we will receive more new members and recognition for the long time dedicated work on which we are founded.

Bonsai has a long tradition in our country. In 2021 we will celebrate our 40 year jubilee, and I look forward to prepare this and much more. Although in Danish, you might want to check out our website at

Age pays off

Bonsai is age, and long time dedicated work. One of our local long time members have grown a small leafed Elm for thirty years. Started from a small cutting Johan Bentsen have grow a beautiful bonsai with love and care. Well deserved first prize and public prize for this majestic bonsai.



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