• Wild rose varieties and simple flowering roses are the best for bonsai. The Japanese Eijitsu rose multiflora has many qualities for bonsai and it is an exquisite dwarf variety of Rose. Qualities are a thick woody trunk, and it develops tight internodes (distance between leaves.…

  • Cutting hard to start new Shohin bonsai

    There are numerous ways to start a Shohin bonsai. Buying finished or pre-shaped material is a fast method. Developing from seed is the slowest way. Then there is the in-between strategy which I have used a lot on deciduous trees especially. But also possible on…

  • Black pines back budding tutorial

    Part of the monthly bonsai video magazine online Sunday August 1st at 7 AM (UTC +2) Black pines back budding In yesterdays newsletter we somehow managed to leave out the info about the Japanese black pine video coming up. So here it goes. Pines in…

  • Hot, hot, hot bonsai

    It heats up around here. Watering three times a day at the moment. Hot weather demands extra care for the bonsai, and moving them around to avoid leaf burns is what I do these days. A few leaves edge dried on one Japanese maple, but…

  • Pruning a tiny mame bonsai Juniper

    The tiniest of bonsai, the mame-bonsai, needs extra caution when pruning. Do not trim them regularly, because it will weaken the growth and health. Letting especially evergreens grow a little out of shape before trimming, making the new growth produce energy is essential. Trimming right…