• Chuhin crabapple case story

    In one of the recent posts I showed a medium sized Chuhin bonsai displayed in the garden Tokonoma. This is the 12 year story of the bonsai up til now. Early spring 2005 I got the tree, that was dug up from a garden. It…

  • Autumn works it´s natural way

    Autumn is one of my favourite times of the year. Despite rainy periods, there is a certain mood about it. Mornings with the smell of wet soil, mushrooms in between the garden trees and leafs turning their colours into traditional brown, red and yellowish warm…

  • Cold spring meeting

    Baby its cold outside. And it shouldn't be. Its spring when I look in the calendar. Despite this and with a little help from the sun, we had a great meeting. A lot of questions and advice's, and good work with the trees.

  • Never sell your bonsai

      You see these beautiful aged bonsai set for sale by private bonsai enthusiasts from time to time. For bonsai pros it is naturally a part of the business. But for private collectors I find it disturbing to see a personal tree set for sale.…

  • The story of the Shimpaku Juniper

    It´s Secret History (English Translation © WBFF 2003; Original Japanese Text and Photos © Kindai Shuppan Co. 2003). Brought at Shohin-Bonsai Europe with permission. Header photo from Mansei-en, by Morten Albek. Behind the story. The original story was lost on the internet, but due to steady…

  • Shohin-bonsai India

    Do they grow Shohin-bonsai in India? Oh, yes they do. I didn’t really knew what to expect as I travelled to India in November. I was there to teach bonsai but had no idea if Shohin-bonsai was part of the bonsai world in the warm…

  • The large landscape

    At my recent trip to India, I was at the bonsai workshop space of the group Bonsai Namaste. At a wall, you find an amazing large landscape build with sandstone, which took one of the supporters Manoj Kumar 8 months to complete. The landscape has…

  • Bonsai in India

    Bonsai in India is not so well-known internationally. Not yet anyway, but it might change. I have just returned from a great trip doing private demonstration and workshops in Pune. That is about 160 km south-east of Mumbai in the Maharashtra district. There is a…