New Shohin bonsai book on its way

It’s a great pleasure to announce that I have e new Shohin bonsai book on the desk soon. At the Trophy in Genk last year the publishers of the Esprit Bonsai asked me if we could do a reprint of my first book. Originally published by Stone Lantern in 2008. I was really not in the mood for a reprise. So many new things to tell, and is was though more than ten years ago it was published. There would be a need for some updates.

Shohin bonsai seasons

After one day of thinking I returned and asked if we could do a totally new book instead. And Michéle from Esprit Bonsai agreed immediately. Therefore I have used most of the time since then to write a lot of new material and some rewriting of the parts needed to be covered again.

The book follows the four seasons and in each chapter there is a lot of basic and advanced growing advices and examples. As well as each chapter finishes with explanations on displaying Shohin bonsai.

I will keep you updated as soon as preorders, prices and so on are in place. That will be soon. I look so much forward to see it in print.

The book will be released February 2020 and available at the Trophy too.

Here a few photos that (maybe) will be included.

Have a great Sunday.



  • Peggy Howard

    33 and dropping quickly. The power had been out for 2 hours when the internet went out. I decided to read your book a second time. I bundled up and started reading. Thank you for making your book so interesting that I barely felt the cold. Also thanks for making the pages glossy so I could turn them with my gloves.
    Metairie, outside New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
    PS: It hasn’t frozen in about 5 years and went to 25*F.

  • albek

    Dear Peggy.

    What a story. 😳
    I am glad the book warms somehow but do hope are get real heat again.
    Glossy pages for frosty reading will have to be remembered 😀

    Best wishes

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