Mame bonsai experience

The smallest bonsai are often the easiest to handle when it comes to cutting and pinching. A bit more demanding when we talk caretaking.

In a few minutes, you can prune such a small tree. You can hold it in your hand and turn it around. Enjoying every angle with ease. The troubles come when we reach summertime and need to keep the small amount of roots healthy growing in a very small pot.

Growing Mame bonsai with success

Taking the right care, therefore, demands a little knowledge and some simple arrangements to keep the trees from drying out and decrease in health.

I have several small trees grown from very simple material that now has been in my care for more than 15 years in a small pot. So it is possible to keep them for a long time in that size.

How to do it I reveal in the August tutorials released today. Watch at the Seasonal Bonsai Magazine with five new videos.

Taking care of not only Mame bonsai but also :

Bonsai seasonal care August
Species of the month: Itoigawa and Shimpaku Juniper
Mame-bonsai introduction
Mame bonsai – starting your own with simple material
Black Pine candle pruning

 1 hour and 30 minutes of content.

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