Live bonsai Q&A coming up
Q&A is a cornerstone at Kisetsu-en. Questions are asked and answered daily about all kinds of bonsai subjects. If you also want to join in at our live Q&A at the Zoom platform you can easily do that. You will feel the Kisetsu-en friendly spirit…
Air layering for Shohin bonsai
There are a number of ways to create your own Shohin bonsai. One of them is using a shrub or tree that already is trained for bonsai. You can cut that down and regrow it, if it is a species that tolerates this, and is…
Bonsai seasons
New bonsai tutorials are to be released on September 1st. As always a lot of thoughts, work and cutting (both trees and video) is put into this. I hope you will enjoy it on this first day of autumn if we follow the calendar. What…
Japanese White Pine autumn jobs
The Japanese White Pine is maybe the most elegant of all pines. The feminine light needles set up against the rough bark is as beautiful as only nature can create it. Autumn is here in a moment, and the weather can change every day from…
Blog post bug fixed + bonsai tutorials in 8 languages
We discovered a bug that made blog posts only available for members and that was not intended. The bug is gone, and all blog posts are of course free to read. Let us know if you find a blog post restricted for members and we…
A life with trees. The essence of bonsai.
Living a life with trees. As far back as my childhood, I was fascinated by trees. One of the clearest memories of that time is playing with the other kids in the local forest just five minutes away at short skinny legs. The inspiration from…
Almost Friday at Kisetsu-en unboxing
Almost Friday at Kisetsu-en Episode 18 unboxing goodies from https://bonsaivaerkstedet.com/ and looking forward to September 1st when the Monthly Bonsai Magazine is on air with new content.
Shohin bonsai at the UK National Exhibition in 22
Just confirmed. Save the date and find your 2022 calendar. If you are in the UK I will be on stage with Harry Harrington, Peter Warren, Rafael Torres and other good names still to be confirmed. at the UK national bonsai exhibition on 1st…
Bonsai Live Q&A worldwide
If you ever doubted how passionate members we have at Kisetsu-en, it’s over. At this meeting, one of our dedicated members from Australia was on a 4 AM Canberra time, and another was on the cell phone directly from the lake on a fishing trip.…
Live bonsai Q&A Thursday at 20:00 (UTC +2)
Questions are already coming in upfront, and you can submit yours too ahead, so we can prepare for a good session. Send in your members question following the link here: https://shohin-europe.com/qa-submit/ 20:00 (UTC +2) Thursday 12 we are back Live with Q&A. Tune in and…