Improved website and LIVE Q&A recorded
We are improving the website experience. New subcategories are added, so you easier find subjects of interest. Like basic tutorials about wiring, or advanced lesson on air layering. The layout is simplified and I hope this will make your user experience pleasing. Any feedback for…
It´s Almost Friday 14
Looking into air layering, Zoom meeting, Forsythia second step and a Tokonoma display. These are the headlines at today’s Almost Friday, and we also talk a bit about the Zoom LIVE Q&A tonight. Full members-only edition today at https://shohin-europe.com/almost-friday-video/ A shorter free episode on YouTube.…
Make a Spruce bonsai from simple material
Creating a Spruce bonsai from simple material Part of the Monthly video Magazine July Styling Spruce. Picea, Spruce, needs some extra attention during the summer. The special pinching technique is important to know. This is the story about how to style a Spruce that at…
Live Q&A coming up
Bonsai enthusiasts often love to talk. And ask questions. That’s one of the great things about our interest in the small trees in pots. All that surrounds it. Conversations and friendship. I literally answer hundreds of questions during a season. From aesthetical choices to growing…
Bonsai species of the month
At Kisetsu-en Bonsai Online I every month present a new species of the month. This month it is one of my favourites. The Shrubby honeysuckle, or Lonicera nitida. This tree was, as many others, created from a raw and simple plant collected some years ago.…
Kisetsu-en video magazine released
There is so much work behind every monthly release so it really is a relief when it is out. 🙂 Now it´s time to talk about the content. Today I will focus on the daily care of bonsai when describing the content. Watering and fertilizing…
Videos are rendering and will go out soon
Monthly video Magazine online tomorrow June 1st The monthly batch of videos is packed and ready to fly. 5 episodes filled with information and answering Q&A from our dedicated members. Today you get an overview of the themes and in the coming days a newsletter…
Bonsai at the fridge
Cool down with a bonsai at the fridge. there are many ways to decorate your home with bonsai. This is just one of them. The fun one. Decorating the house with bonsai One of more topics on the way in the July Kisetsu-en Bonsai…
Almost Friday 12
News from the garden and looking into July. Enjoy the video. [arve url=”https://vimeo.com/566931473″ loop=”no” muted=”no” /]
Almost Friday 11 about Azalea
[arve url=”https://youtu.be/hGeYzXk_ojA” loop=”no” muted=”no” /]