• The large landscape

    At my recent trip to India, I was at the bonsai workshop space of the group Bonsai Namaste. At a wall, you find an amazing large landscape build with sandstone, which took one of the supporters Manoj Kumar 8 months to complete. The landscape has…

  • Bonsai in India

    Bonsai in India is not so well-known internationally. Not yet anyway, but it might change. I have just returned from a great trip doing private demonstration and workshops in Pune. That is about 160 km south-east of Mumbai in the Maharashtra district. There is a…

  • The fifth of five bonsai

    The fifth of five bonsai is chosen without shaking on my hands. In this small fun series were I have chosen the five bonsai species among my favourites, the choice is Pine. it also i one of the most difficult trees to succeed as bonsai…

  • The leaves leave

      Frosts are hurrying up the leaves to fall. The beauty of late autumn shows, and with some early freezing nights also the leaf drop is forced to speed up. It is not necessary to pull the trees of their place on the outdoor garden…

  • Bonsai stolen in Japan

    Reported by Bonsai Empire: Just received an email from mr. Kobayashi that three of his Bonsai were stolen from the Shunkaen garden. He seems determined to get his trees back – and sent us these photos to spread the news. Sharing is caring!”

  • 4 of top 5 bonsai

    May I present: The Juniper. Which is the fourth bonsai I have added to this fun personal top 5 list of favourite bonsai. I could easily have made a top ten list, but we keep it at five. Junipers are without doubt one of the…

  • Top 5 bonsai No. 3

    The next of my favourite bonsai on the top 5 bonsai list, still in random order, is the Yew. European Yew, alias Taxus baccata. To me one of the strongest and most beautiful trees that is a full quality replacement for the classic Japanese black…

  • Top 5 bonsai – Japanese maple

    In this small series about my favourite bonsai specimens, it is about the classic Japanese maple. It is so obvious a tree for Shohin bonsai that I can’t neglect it at the list. The shifting kind of leaves, is the Acer palmatum and A. buergerianum have…

  • Top 5 bonsai – Cotoneaster

    In some of the next posts i will show my personal top 5 hit list of bonsai subjects. It will be in random order, because I can’t choose one for another. The first choice is the Cotoneaster. Among its many advantages is the small leaves, flowers…

  • Tokonoma night lights

    Tokonoma version 2.0 Now light is installed in the outdoor Tokonoma, finished this summer for enjoying bonsai viewing. This makes it possible to make a display in the evenings during the darker periods of autumn. Displayed is a not yet finished Japanese maple, but chosen…