• Spring break bonsai video

    NEW SERIES OF BONSAI VIDEO Buds are bursting like crazy these days. New growth is breaking through and I am crazy busy producing new videos for our members. We will deal with the always popular issue: How do I make a bonsai from raw material?…

  • Bonsai Video Q&A about bonsai and fungus

    Bonsai Q&A video about potential problems caused by fungus. Fungus can be a problem if bonsai are not cleaned up by the end of autumn. Also fungus can add diseases to trees through wounds. [arve url=”https://youtu.be/Mako9atSgoQ” title=”Bonsai video Q&A – 1 – Fungus” upload_date=”10-11-2017″ maxwidth=”1600″…

  • Chuhin crabapple case story

    In one of the recent posts I showed a medium sized Chuhin bonsai displayed in the garden Tokonoma. This is the 12 year story of the bonsai up til now. Early spring 2005 I got the tree, that was dug up from a garden. It…

  • Removing autumn leaves?

    I know many do remove the autumn leaves before they drop. I do not. For the obvious reason that the tree needs all the back flow of nutrients it can get before going into dormancy. It is a natural process, where the decaying leafs turns…

  • Cotoneaster shohin favourites

    The Cotoneaster is among my all time favourites for shohin-bonsai. especially for Mame-bonsai (from 9,5 cm and down), because it is slightly draught tolerant, and can develop a fine root system for the extremely small pots used. Cotoneaster × suecicus ‘Coral Beauty’ is one of the varieties among…

  • Summer trimming new growth

    June means a high level of new growth. Sometimes it is necessary to let trees grow more than normal before trimming, so the health of the tree is ensures. Watch the video where a Cork Bark Elm and an English Yew is trimmed. https://youtu.be/Aotd4579mhg

  • Shimpaku upside down

    For a number of years I have been growing a small Juniperus Shimpaku, and followed the original position until now. The tree was purchased as a semi-finished piece at the Mansei-en nursery in Omiya, Japan, of late Saburo Kato in 2005, and mainly bought as…

  • Never sell your bonsai

      You see these beautiful aged bonsai set for sale by private bonsai enthusiasts from time to time. For bonsai pros it is naturally a part of the business. But for private collectors I find it disturbing to see a personal tree set for sale.…

  • Winter preperations

    How to prepare the bonsai for the winter season. Is there anything to do at all? Yes, there is. First and foremost bonsai needs to be stored away from frosty winds and sun, that may dry them out when the roots are trapped in a…