Spring break bonsai video


Buds are bursting like crazy these days. New growth is breaking through and I am crazy busy producing new videos for our members. We will deal with the always popular issue:

How do I make a bonsai from raw material?

On demand the next episodes of the Monthly Theme will focus on right that. From May 1`st we start a new video series dealing with different sizes and aspects of this subject. Probably the most sought after information on video. I will take you through the process from the very raw material and its pre-training to the “finished” styling and aftercare. We will deal with hard cutting back of deciduous specimens, to the styling of conifers. All on different stages and different levels.

First video will be released May 1`st and once a month the next months we will deal with just that. Styling bonsai in different sizes and with different approaches. Step by step we will guide you through the process of designing bonsai, so you hopefully will feel confident doing this yourself.

Before that the monthly Vlog is on. This time from the bonsai garden, and a short visit at a workshop. Stay tuned for that in a few days.


Earlier I posted a video tutorial doing a Yamadori Scots Pine. It was a challenging transformation of a collected material. The good news is that it is coming along nicely and healthy with new buds. Not a single branch lost! I will talk about this in the next Vlog from April. Released in a few days.

If you are not a subscribing member yet, you can sign up  and be ready to watch the video and already launched material. Sign up now and be ready for the next ones, so you don’t miss an episode.

I will finish this post with pictures from a day that was spent with a small workshop group at a friend’s place.  🙂


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