A New Year with Shohin Bonsai

Happy New Year from me, Daisy and my family. We start again after a few days of laziness and jumping into a new year.
A New Year is often said to be a new beginning. Here it is a new year with the same beginning. I am looking into a great year ahead with interesting travels and a lot of bonsai creations at Kisetsu-en. I look forward to this every year because I am already looking into spring although it is still a little far away in the calendar. I always cheat myself believing it is just around the corner. In the meantime, there is a lot we can do with our bonsai and preps for springtime.

Juniper design video

Thursday afternoon the weekly video at the Kisetsu-en Shohin Bonsai School is released. As we changed from live to recorded videos again, the quality of the video was improved, and tonight the final styling is recorded. First part of the styling done yesterday with all the design solutions up in the air, and today concentrating on detailed work.
An Itoigawa Juniper pre-bonsai will be styled. With this type of material, the trunk means everything for the direction we can choose when deciding the style. Step-by-step the tree is analyzed and design options are discussed. The full styling is shown and you can sign up for the online school and start watching all the content we have done the last three years today while waiting for this week’s episode.
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