Dead or alive wood?

Deadwood at bonsai is an important feature to show age. It must be done right though to work and not distract or look odd. Six months it has taken to develop a piece of deadwood so it could be formed and dry up natural. Watch the full process. And do not worry. It only takes 35 minutes to view. 🙂

Almost Friday 15

We added a new episode in the Almost Friday section today. As usual, before the weekend, preparing some activities you might find interesting to do too.

This time it is a long version of the ongoing process of changing a live branch to an old looking dead branch.


The six months process is followed and ends with the final steps of creating beautiful natural looking deadwood at your bonsai. Creating that old look we strive for.


Sign up and watch today. Go to Kisetsu-en Bonsai Online and watch.


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