I always try to bring out the best I can and share the joy of bonsai. Although turned over from being a hobby grower of bonsai to be a professional teacher hasn’t changed my own view on bonsai.
I still love the silent time in the garden, and I still do not sell bonsai from my collection.
Maybe one day when it grows too big. But so far everything is reserved for teaching you bonsai techniques and caretaking.
Travels are part of that, and I have been so lucky to be invited to many faraway parts of the world. Bringing new friendships and experiences.
Online teaching
Travelling with the speed of light online. Continued thoughts from the last blog post and newsletter, are about online teaching.
At first, I was in doubt about how the teaching would be. Corona set it up as a necessity but soon showed it to be a very valid and interesting way of both learning and teaching bonsai.
The community around Kisetsu-en has grown. the spirit is the same.
Teaching and conversations online showed to be much easier and intimate than I expected.

Morten Albek demo in China.
Today we have a great group taking part in Live Q&A, with great conversations and talks. E-mails floating with answers to good questions. Topics go from every kind of technique, on growing tips to sharing newly found material for bonsai.
If my students have half the joy of what I have, I think they are doing just great.
Just launched the latest tutorials to watch, and lining up a free Q&A for everybody (Limited space of 100 participants) at Zoom. read more about how to participate below and at the website.
Have a look at the website and take a free 5 days trial period. You can of course cancel anytime.
Headlines for October
October tutorials:
October seasonal care.
Species of the month: Cotoneaster.
Scots pine needle control and back budding.
Wire on – wire off. Healing wire scars.
Bonsai prepared for display. The devil is in the detail.

Live Q&A October 14
Our next Live Q&A on Zoom takes place on October 14 at 8 PM. Look up the time for your area to be sure not to miss it. To make it easier we added a timetable converter where you set in the time for Denmark and then your own local area. You find it at the Live Q&A information page here https://shohin-europe.com/zoom-meeting-info/
Send in your questions ahead. You find all information on how to take part on the Live Q&A information page.