Almost Friday at Kisetsu-en unboxing
Almost Friday at Kisetsu-en Episode 18 unboxing goodies from https://bonsaivaerkstedet.com/ and looking forward to September 1st when the Monthly Bonsai Magazine is on air with new content.
Shohin bonsai at the UK National Exhibition in 22
Just confirmed. Save the date and find your 2022 calendar. If you are in the UK I will be on stage with Harry Harrington, Peter Warren, Rafael Torres and other good names still to be confirmed. at the UK national bonsai exhibition on 1st…
Bonsai Live Q&A worldwide
If you ever doubted how passionate members we have at Kisetsu-en, it’s over. At this meeting, one of our dedicated members from Australia was on a 4 AM Canberra time, and another was on the cell phone directly from the lake on a fishing trip.…
Live bonsai Q&A Thursday at 20:00 (UTC +2)
Questions are already coming in upfront, and you can submit yours too ahead, so we can prepare for a good session. Send in your members question following the link here: https://shohin-europe.com/qa-submit/ 20:00 (UTC +2) Thursday 12 we are back Live with Q&A. Tune in and…
Quiz result – Mame versus Shohin bonsai
A lot of you took part in our small fun quiz about a Cotoneaster being a Mame bonsai or a Shohin bonsai. Most were wrong I am afraid. But it also was tricky. In this short video, I explain the result and why it is…
Creating the apex on your bonsai
Bonsai is time-consuming, and some things come easier than others. Building up the apex and canopy is not done overnight. It takes years to patiently clip and grow a fine branch structure. Filling out empty spaces, strengthen up areas, and adjust space to achieve a…
Mame bonsai experience
The smallest bonsai are often the easiest to handle when it comes to cutting and pinching. A bit more demanding when we talk caretaking. In a few minutes, you can prune such a small tree. You can hold it in your hand and turn it…
Black pines back budding tutorial
Part of the monthly bonsai video magazine online Sunday August 1st at 7 AM (UTC +2) Black pines back budding In yesterdays newsletter we somehow managed to leave out the info about the Japanese black pine video coming up. So here it goes. Pines in…
Mame and Shohin bonsai in focus
August coming up soon with a special on Mame and Shohin bonsai If you have a taste for that, then here you can get a taste of it. Increasing in popularity Mame-bonsai is getting their attention. Shohin bonsai is spreading and more and more…
Tutorials cooking with Shohin and Mame bonsai
The laptop is hot. Cooking the 5 X new video tutorials for the Kisetsu-en Bonsai Online Magazine coming out August 1. We are not sleeping our holidays away here at Kisetsu-en. Well, we try to get some days off, but delivery must be on time.…