Episode 5 – Bonsai Christmas book calendar
Today’s calendar brings us a new book from the bookshelf. Today we look at the exhibition book “Ichijuten” – an exhibition book received as a gift from Masahiko Kimura with traditional Japanese bonsai. Kisetsu-en Bonsai Online Monthly a large theme about the seasons is published. Produced…
Episode 4 – Bonsai Christmas book calendar
Today’s calendar brings us to a book from the bookshelf often used. Today we look at the book “The beauty of bonsai” by Junsun Yamamoto. Kisetsu-en Bonsai Online Monthly a large theme about the seasons is published. Produced as HQ video from the garden and…
The bonsai Christmas calendar December 3
Bringing a story from the days of the famous Saburo Kato. Japanese Saburo Kato was famous for his forest and rock bonsai creations. Today we look at the book “Forest, Rock Planting & Ezo Spruce Bonsai”. Kisetsu-en Bonsai Online Monthly a large theme about the…
Bonsai Christmas Calendar December 2
Daily Kisetsu-en Christmas Bonsai Calendar
24 days. 24 short videos. Merry Christmas with the 24 episode Christmas calendar from December 1st to December 24th. Posted at the blog every day, starting today. Opening a book every day and giving a talk. Link to the book: https://shohin-europe.com/shohin-through-the-seasons/
Shohin Bonsai autumn work
Deciduous bonsai are ready for wiring and pruning when leaves drops and the sap flow runs slower. Timing is essential though to do the best possible work before branches stiffen up and easily break when worked on. The naked branches stripped from leaves shows the…
Bonsai autumn mood video
The bonsai and garden changes. Some days we get a lot of rain and winds. Some mornings are just silent and beautiful. The mood of autumn is a mixture of beauty and melancholy. Colours are vivid and then they fade. Leaves drop and paint the…
Middle sized bonsai, and Tanuki cheat
Middle-sized bonsai are not in fashion. Have they ever been? I don’t know, but I really think these sizes are overlooked at bonsai shows. That’s one part of this bonsai blog post’s purpose to discuss. Another subject is a technique I feel is deeply misunderstood.…
Bonsai in alarm colors
Red, yellow, orange. Normally alarm colors for warning or good offers. Here it offers an autumn mood in the bonsai garden. Colors of the season The cold weather is slowly approaching but still not really getting its grip. Therefore colors are not as vivid as…
A moment of bonsai Zen
Have some Sunday bonsai laziness. A moment of bonsai Zen. Way too often I find myself working on my trees, and not just enjoying them. In between I try to find a moment of silence, just being a little lazy and relaxed. Let your brain…