Shohin Bonsai autumn work

Deciduous bonsai are ready for wiring and pruning when leaves drops and the sap flow runs slower. Timing is essential though to do the best possible work before branches stiffen up and easily break when worked on. The naked branches stripped from leaves shows the bare truth of the work done in previous seasons.

Now is the best time to do the work that improves Japanese maple and any other deciduous bonsai.

In the bonsai garden

In the garden, most trees are still on the benches. Weather has been unusually mild (again this year), and as long as it is relatively dry there is no need to store the trees. Actually, the more light and air the trees receive, the better they strive and ages. Bark getting older is one of the important aesthetic elements of bonsai. This is under influence of the environment. Shifting between cold and heat, wet and dry, wind and us, all help bark to age. Therefore I let the trees stay outside as long as possible.

New bonsai episode online for December

The December episode from Kisetsu-en brings you this and much more.

We tried to keep the videos shorter, but there is so much to tell. So bear with us and watch each of the 4 videos separately or in one go, one after each other. A total of + 1 hour and 40 minutes. Should keep you on the sofa for a moment 🙂

We have divided the videos for easier review, and so you don’t have to occupy the room for a too long time, or hide at the bathroom at work to watch 😉 We hope this improvement will be in your taste.

You can watch it right now.

Kisetsu-en Bonsai Online

Monthly a large theme about the seasons is published. Produced as HQ video from the garden and studio with Morten Albek.

now and be become a member of Kisetsu-en Bonsai. Join the special spirit of our bonsai philosophy. Ask your questions in the Q&A about bonsai growing, styling, and care. You get a written and personal answer and selected questions are also answered as video responses in each episode.

JOIN NOW and start your journey with us.



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