VIDEO: Shohin bonsai introduction
In this first episode in a new video series, I explain some basics about Shohin Bonsai.
Make bonsai small again
Not much to add 😉
4 of top 5 bonsai
May I present: The Juniper. Which is the fourth bonsai I have added to this fun personal top 5 list of favourite bonsai. I could easily have made a top ten list, but we keep it at five. Junipers are without doubt one of the…
Top 5 bonsai No. 3
The next of my favourite bonsai on the top 5 bonsai list, still in random order, is the Yew. European Yew, alias Taxus baccata. To me one of the strongest and most beautiful trees that is a full quality replacement for the classic Japanese black…
Top 5 bonsai – Cotoneaster
In some of the next posts i will show my personal top 5 hit list of bonsai subjects. It will be in random order, because I can’t choose one for another. The first choice is the Cotoneaster. Among its many advantages is the small leaves, flowers…
Shohin 2012
The past weekend I attended the national annual exhibition in the Danish Bonsai Society. The event took place at a bright place at the Danish Japanese Gardens. This time my small shohin display was awarded with the runners up prize, judged by the head demonstrator…
Mame bonsai pots from Horie Bikoh
Specially imported modern Mame bonsai pots from Horie Bikoh kiln in Japan arrived yesterday. I have been searching for especially this kind of pot for some time, but newer came across it until now. Tomohiro Masumi from Koju-en in Kyoto helped me searching and came…