New shohin bonsai potters – Martine Geoffroy and Nick Hopes
New pots show up now and then. There are many talented potters around, and one new to me I spotted at the recent Trophy event in Genk, Belgium. Her name is Martine Geoffroy and comes from France. Another one I have followed on Instagram for…
The Stephenandra
The Stephenandra incisa, Cutleaf, is a common scrub used for borders in gardens. It is a low growing plant with small flowers in summer. The growth is strong and loose, so cutting back regularly is simple method to develop a decent canopy and good branch…
Tokonoma display
The garden Tokonoma is used on a daily basis. On rainy days I keep tables and scrolls out, and just set up a basic display. Sometimes just a Suiseki. Other days a proper display with scrolls and tables are included. Like today. The point is…
Finding the right bonsai pot
One of the fun things about repotting bonsai in spring, is the possibility to select a new pot for a tree. You can change pots during the season if roots are left undisturbed an it is a necessity for an exhibition. But then you can’t…
Bonsai works in India
At my recent travel to India I did a lot of work during my stay. One of the tasks was to refine or totally restyle some already established bonsai. Also a few Shohin was made from raw material. Here I will show some of the…